Thursday, February 17, 2011

Girl Day!

Yesterday was so busy. I wasn't home all day, but instead was out doing errands with Jessica. Lately I've been looking into a new place to live and she has been thinking about being my roomie! The place is a super cute 2bed/2bath duplex, but it seems to be more expensive then what I thought... So we will see how things go! Anyways, because she is interested in living with me she came over to look at the place, she isn't 100% yet but she does agree it's a really cute place! after that we went off to Wal*Mart to do a bit of shopping.

When I finally got home I had to head off to meet Holly at CVS to get some supplies for her nails! Me and Holly ended up walking her new dog, Lexi (such a good girl!), cooking dinner, doing nails, and watching America's Funniest Home Videos and American Idol (Two VERY funny shows HAHA). I'm so excited that Scotty the teenage country singer got through group week, I LOVE HIM! He is too darn cute!

Anyways, tonight's episode should be good too, so I'm really excited! Oh, and I'm even more hyper because I just found out that a Panama City Beach trip is in the very VERY near future! Very near as in TOMORROW! YAY! I'm so happy! I miss the beach so much! Can't wait to lay out and soak the sun up!
That's all for now...

XOXO -Charna

1 comment:

  1. I had a blast hanging out as always....and CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR ROADTRIP!!!!!
